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2022 Shootout Trophy Stays With CCTHC For A 2nd Year
Arnie Epstein, Don Taylor, Bob Thomas, David Quarles

Outgoing President Mike Wilson

Incoming President Sandro Secino

No Longer Rookies:
Doug Gilbertson, Clint McElvany, Patty Stanford, Scott Kaczka, Dee Kaczka, Carol Spell, Jesse Buechel, Jennifer Buechel, Jim Butera, Robin Ankenbruck, Alex Fajet, Elana Heller

Rookie of the Year: Jim Butera

Happy Wallis Award: Jennifer Beuchel
Steve Smith Award: Ben Harvey

Ladies Top Angler: Judy Barry
Presented by DQ and Kyra Quarles

Top Angler: Bob Thomas
Presented by Ralph Yost

Top 3 Ladies: Judy, Gayle Beam and Carol Spell

Sportsman of the Year: Mike Wilson
Presented by Jerry Geyer

Top 10 Who Will Fish In the 2023 Shootout:
Bob T, David Beam, Jerry G, Judy B, Oscar Mohn, DQ, Tom Heller, Presenter Rick Ziegler, Gayle B, Frank Radochonski, Carol S

Special Recognition to Jerry and Ken Holzhauer For Saving a Fisherman's Life One Dark Night: Presented by Arnie E and Mike W

Slide Show by Sandy Adams
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