Captain Bob Locker Master Tarpon Hunter Program
First release recognized by Rookie Award
Level 5 = 5 Total Fish released recognized by a framed certificate
Level 10 = 10 Total Fish released recognized with certificate and Bronze Tarpon Hunter T-shirt with Bronze logo.
Level 25 = 25 Total Fish released recognized with certificate and Silver Tarpon Hunter T-shirt with Silver logo.
Level 50 = 50 Total Fish released recognized with certificate and Gold Tarpon Hunter T-shirt with Gold logo.
Level 100 = 100 Total Fish released recognized as Master Tarpon Hunter with certificate, Master Tarpon Hunter T-shirt with Gold logo and listing on the Master Tarpon Hunter Record page of the web-site.
Level 200 = 200 Total Fish released recognized as Grand Master Tarpon Hunter with Grand Master T-shirt with Gold logo and listing as a Grand Master Tarpon Hunter on the Master Tarpon Hunter Record page of the web-site.